Orthodontic Screenings

Orthodontic care frequently becomes necessary during a child’s development. Crowding in the teeth or alignment issues in the jaws are two common reasons we may suggest orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Patrick may notice these signs before the ideal time to begin treatment. Keeping an eye on development can help prepare you and your child for any corrective care that may be required in the future.

Usually, teenagers are the primary group with a need for braces, but sometimes, orthodontic care is required at an earlier age. Permanent teeth come in around six years of age. They are usually significantly bigger than baby teeth, so it is important to ensure they have the space they need to grow.

When these changes occur, Dr. Patrick will begin monitoring progress to make sure new teeth form without issues. If treatment is required, he can help you come up with the best course of action for your child. 

Braces apply the gentle force necessary to create extra space needed for larger permanent teeth. They can also help eliminate gaps and improve your bite or alignment. Braces shift teeth into place so we can avoid the need for more extensive treatment later on.

Other factors that may require orthodontic treatment are overbites or narrow jaws that impact function. Monitoring jaw growth during development can make a big difference later on. Jaw growth stops during the teenage years. At that point, the only way to correct issues is oral surgery. By taking a preventive approach, we can help you avoid situations like these in the future.

The Typical Orthodontic Path

Orthodontic treatment is most commonly practiced once permanent teeth come in. The early teenage years are a common time to begin weighing your options. The duration of treatment varies from case to case, but generally, orthodontic care will take around two years.

If we treat orthodontic issues early, we set children up for a lifetime of optimal oral health. Not only does orthodontic care affect bite, cleaning routine, and general function, but it also gives your child a boost in confidence during this critical age. 

Orthodontic treatment can solve a wide range of dental problems, but your active participation is what ensures the success of treatment. Consistent use of elastic bands, follow-up appointments, and home care make all the difference in the final results. 

Your orthodontic treatment should include regular checkups as well. Proper cleanings help prevent cavities in hard-to-reach areas. At River's End Dental, we know our role is important in achieving your desired results for orthodontic care. Our cleanings and advice on home care will prove vital on your journey to a beautiful smile.